A. Attached or single? Attached for almost 6 years this month.
B. Best friend? Hmmm I haven't met her yet.
C. Cake or pie? Cake and Pie - I love my sweets!
D. Day of choice? Wednesday.
E. Essential item? Foundation.
F. Favorite colour? Pink and Blue.
G. Gummy bears or worms? Gummy bears.
H. Hometown? Quezon City
I. Favorite indulgence? Dining out or a massage.
J. January or July? Hmmm - January. Somehow I love new beginnings.
K. Kids? Hopefully soon.
L. Life isn’t complete without? J , family and Blogging of course.
M. Marriage date? October 26,2002
N. Number of magazine subscriptions: None - I try to be practical nowadays. I think it's such a waste to have a subscription.
O. Oranges or apples? I am really not fond of apples so Orange.
P. Phobias? Basiphobia - Inability to stand. Fear of walking or falling.
Q. Quotes? Be the change you want to see in the world - Gandhi
R. Reasons to smile? My love J
S. Season of choice? Spring - again because of new beginnings.
T. Tag 5 people - I think most of my you guys have done this but if you wanna do it, feel free to grab it.
U. Unknown fact about me? I use to SNORT when I laugh in highschool.
V. Vegetable? Bean sprouts
W. Worst habit? Hmmm - I tend to procrastinate ALOT!
X. X-ray or ultrasound? Ultrasound
Y. Your favorite foods? Pretzels, Ice cream, Adobo, Palabok - oohh so many to mention.
Z. Zodiac sign? Aries